After spending four days in Salu, an Indian village outside of Darjeeling, I now understand what the word radical means. I had the opportunity to be a part of the village's church service this past Sunday. And it was amazing! We had the service in a small classroom of a school. We had about 35 people, including our team, squeezed into this small classroom. It was a good bonding time with the village people to say the least. If any of you have read Radical by David Platt, his story about the house church with one lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, no chairs, and no sound system, pretty much summed up this service! For the first time in my life, I saw what raw worship looks like. And it was incredible to be able to join (even though I couldn't understand the words haha). I realized that all the nonsense we try to place in the way, to "help" us get a better worship experience, most of the time actually doesn't do that. It is when we have nothing left, that it is easiest to worship God, not ourselves.
God also presented me with an opportunity to bless a brother. Sunday afternoon, he asked me to give my guitar to Barnabas, a 21 year old teacher and worship leader in the village. I knew it was God speaking so yesterday evening, I presented Barnabas with a beautiful western guitar. He told me that for 3 years he has been asking God to provide him a quality western guitar to lead worship with and that I was the answer to his prayer! Man what an amazing feeling. It made it so much easier to give it up after hearing that. It was definitely hard but I knew it was Gods plan.
After showing me what it looked like to be radical, He wanted me to put it into action. And all I want is to be completely obedient to His instructions. God is good. India is amazing. Thank you guys so much for your support and encouragement. Merry Christmas!
Dear brother, This is what I prayed for when I gave you the book radical. I am spiritually jealous of you brother. You at a young age,get it !!!!!! The reason giving that guitar away was easy is because it was never yours in the first place. We have this backward way of looking at items that are on loan to us at best. Jesus says "Do not store up treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy,where thieves break in and steal, RIGHT !!!! God be with you Jacob. And NEVER forget that The Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead lives in you !!!!!!!!! By His grace, James Hall